Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Compact Florescent Light Bulbs

When my family moved into a new house my senior year of high school, my mom allowed us to each have one single compact florescent light bulb in our bedrooms. Each bulb was costing us around six dollars a piece, and so she was slowly buying a few each pay check. At the time, as a rebellious teenager, I thought I had too much homework to be working with just one light bulb, and so I bought a couple cheap bulbs and screwed them into the light fixture. Now that I am paying for my own electricity, I make sure to use compact florescents in all light fixtures. In fact, instead of using three bulbs, the fixture's capacity, I use only two without even missing the extra light.

While on the National Geographic website this evening, I found a video featuring Natalie Portman, Kyra Sedgwick, and Cloe Sevigny called "This Bulb." According to the video, if each person in the United States replaced one regular bulb with a compact florescent, it would be equivalent to taking one million cars off the roads over the course of one year. They make the statement that each bulb saves one thousand pounds of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere. This is pretty impressive if you think about it! Who would have thought that these devices could make such a large impact. I encourage you to take a look at this video. Send it to your friends.

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